The DIY AMAYC (As Much As You Can) wedding is only 8 weeks and 2 days away!
(Excuse me while I run off and scream into a pillow)
It's not that bad, really. But there are a lot of things to do. Kane may just not get a lot of training in the next two weeks. My garden might feel a bit neglected. I'm feeling bad already.... :-)
The favors have to be done, the bread bakes, the porta-pottys ordered (thanks, hon!), the shrug knitted, the invitations mailed, the shoes must be found, the decorations decided on and aquired.....
The most important thing is that we have a date, we have a minister and we are ready!
What else do we need, right? (well, yes, a license would be good to make it all official and all, I know)
It's going to be very busy, but fun at the same time. Sean is such a wonderful guy, I can't wait to make things official! :-)
the only date harder to wait for than your wedding is the birth of your first child...or maybe your 5th!!! Congrats and good luck getting the last minute details worked out! Kim
You've got the most important part. Now just be patient with yourself. Let the garden go. When you've got what you absolutely have to have, pull the whole thing up so it won't tempt and taunt you. Can you tell I'm tired of my garden :O) And (I know I don't have to tell you this - but I can't help myself) DELEGATE!! People want to help - you're the chief - LET OTHERS HELP!!
Sorry I didn't mean to get bossy on you. I wish I could do something - I can - I'll pray for you...Know it,,I promise to pray for you and Sean daily until the wedding.
Lena, I'm so excited for you. How was your shower and are you going to post a pic of your shrug?
I am SOOOO glad I got the big wedding over with when I was younger and less stressed! There's no way I could handle a big wedding these days. I feel for ya! I'm sure you'll get it all done in time with very few new grey hairs. :)
Lena, I know you can do it! Don't worry about the garden, there is always next year to spend all your time there. Mrs. JP is right, let others help if they offer to. I know sometimes it's hard because you'll probably worry that if it will be done the way you really wanted it.
My very best wishes to you and Sean!
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