We had a wonderfully productive weekend. Both of us took Friday off and used it as our regular Saturday - relaxing, some yardwork, catching up etc. So when Saturday and Sunday actually came along, we got lots done. Here's a rundown:
1. Went for a hike with Kane at Crowder's Mountain State Park
5. Shopped at the local farmstand and got fresh blueberries, rhubarb (not local!), white corn and strawberries.
6. Made these Blueberry Breakfast Bars with the fresh local blueberries. This photo was taken 5 minutes after it came out of the oven. Haha. Just kidding. But we're chowing it down pretty quickly! If you like bluberries, please, please try this Foodie Farmgirl recipe. You won't be sorry!

9. Sean weed-whacked the entire garden. Love you, honey!
10. Sean installed a drip-irrigation system in the veggie garden. The tomatoes love you, honey!
11. Celebrated my neighbor Gaye's birthday with a giant bouquet of kitchen garden herbs, coneflowers and black-eyed Susans. Happy double nickel, neighbor!
12. Almost finished cleaning the green bedroom! Yeay - I can see the floor!
13. Canned peaches. (9pm on Sunday night....). I used TennZen's recipe and canning instructions over here. She has excellent recommendations for safe canning practices which can also be found here. She has also written this post on various unsafe methods (which I have in several of my (recently published) cookbooks.
14. Blogged about it.
I hope you all had wonderful either productive or relaxing weekends, or perhaps they were one and the same. Despite the productiveness, my thoughts are with everyone that lost someone this weekend, which seems to be many, both public figures and friends. May everyone eventually find some peace after all this sadness.
Wow, you sure did have a busy weekend--but I love productive weekends, don't you? So sorry to hear about the G.S. puppy!! Love all your yummy creations.
I'm so jealous of the peaches! Finding a pick your own place around this area is just about impossible. I'll trade you a couple crates of peaches for a horse! lol
Very busy weekend you had there. It's nice to see your harvest. I don't know when I'll get anything. That Sean is a keeper. LOL!
Isn't it a "good tired" when you accomplish so much. Wow you and Sean weren't letting any grass grow under your behinds for sure.
What a delicious weekend! I'm so glad you enjoyed the blueberry breakfast bars. : )
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