Morning Glory
This morning, Kane and I went for a walk as usual. There was a slight fog, and it was humid after last nights rain. The air felt "full" and as the sun was coming up, there was a special kind of light. We walked up our long driveway to the street, Kane offleash as usual until we get to the mailbox. He usually bounces on ahead of me, sniffing this and that. All of a sudden he stopped and stared across the street at the neighbors house. A deer leaped across their front-lawn, and we both stopped and looked. It was a beautiful sight.
Even more beautiful was that Kane was loose and he didn't go chasing after the deer. :-) I'm quite sure I would not have enjoyed chasing my dog in the woods throughout the neighborhood at 6 o'clock in the morning.
After our walk, I figured I had seen enough sights that I really should go get my camera and take some shots. I missed the deer, but maybe there was something else....
Hello Gorgeous! I know you are still sleeping, and you will probably open up
while I'm not here, but you are such an amazing color, I had to take a picture.
Another beautiful daylily...
Then I picked some of these for our breakfast cereal. It's the northern highbush variety that produced these berries. They tasted very good! Of course, I shared with Sean.
And there are more berries to come!
That was the glory of my morning. I hope you too have wonderful mornings like this!
Good morning beautiful!
Those pictures are gorgeous! Good boy Kane for not chasing after the deer. I do not know what my girls would do if they were to see a deer.
Oh, I'm so proud of Kane for not leading you on a chase of the deer! He's such a good boy and photogenic too. I think this morning's picture would make a good 5X8. Although, I imagine you have lots of good pics of him.
I'm so jealous of your blueberries. Ours aren't blue yet.
I'm glad you had a glorious morning and I hope it continues into this weekend.
Mornings are just the best, they can make or break your whole day! Kim
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