My grandmother in Sweden makes two different kinds of pickles every year that are delicious. One is a dill pickle and one is a bread&butter type recipe. This was my next mission with all the cucumbers; make pickles like grandma's!
Pernilla's Bread & Butter Pickles (adapted)
2.2 lbs small pickling cucumbers
2 tbsp yellow or brown mustard seeds
plenty of dill, preferably dill crowns (flowers) as well
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 1/4 cups water
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup salt
Wash and slice the cucumbers - discard blossom ends. Place the cucumbers in glass jar(s) layered with the dill and mustard seeds. Mix together the ingredients for the brine until the sugar and salt has dissolved - this brine should NOT be boiled. Pour the brine over the cucumber slices. Marinate for 3 weeks. The jars should be kept in a cool dark place.
I used large glass jars (see below) for the first 4-5 days and weighted down the cucumbers with glass jars filled with water. After 4-5 days, I transferred the cucumbers (plus brine plus extras) to smaller jars and kept them in the fridge until the 3 weeks were up. Mainly because it's so doggone hot down here this time of year and I was afraid they would go bad.
Sorry for not blogging a lot lately, but work and life has been hectic. Our garden is keeping us busy and soon I will have some posts on that. Sean and I had some overdue vacation time in New Mexico with his family as well, and I will post some pictures soon.
Hope your gardens are boutiful as well!
Looks great and I bet they taste delicious when ready. I can't wait for your grandmother's dill pickles recipe. I have tried making the canning kind but they are just too mushy for me. I like the crunchy pickles and I don't own a pressure canner.
Hi to Sean and hugs to Kane.
Wow this is so interesting! Some serious pickle making!
I bet those are some great pickles. I tried a batch of dill pickles slices this year - first ever. Maybe they'll be edible at least. Oh you think you've got lots of cucumbers wait till your tomato plants start to overrun you. Seems like a remember a post about you having now tomato plant restraint!!
Mmmmhhh just want to bite into one. And 'Pawlow's dog test' is working: saliva running only by imagening...
You inspire me and I hope to get to do some, too, next month in Germany.
Would love to see some pics of your garden...
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