Hot Garden Update
Here's a quick pictorial garden update. As you can tell from the picture above from The Weather Channel - it's HOT! My husband is away on business for a while, so all the yardwork (and housework) falls to me. On the weekends I spend from 8am until 11am in the garden and then I go inside and wait until temperatures drop around 7pm. Ugh.
I have some zinnias in our garden and they seem to LOVE the heat. In turn, the butterflies and the bees love the zinnias (and hopefully pollinate my tomatoes and peppers!)
Most of our tomatoes are green, but they are starting to turn. And crack. From the heat. :-(
The basil looks so pretty with the purple petunia wave flowers around the birdbath (yes, this is also in our veggie garden, in the middle of the peppers.)
Cucumbers are still going strong. I pick at least 6-10 every day. It makes my colleagues at work very happy!

Aren't these sunflowers adorable? Not sure what they are called, but they are about 10ft tall and these smaller 3 inch flowers. They make me smile!
The mini-maters are back! I enjoy these on my salads. From only ONE plant this year, and this was self-seeded!

More pretty zinnias.
Some peppers are coming in. They are delicious. Hopefully they love the hot weather!
A bell pepper!
The gorgeous Costoluto Genovese tomatoes.
Lima Beans!
Eggplant Bloom.
And I leave you with a picture of our bi-color Crepe Myrtle. They are everywhere in the south, but ours is the only bi-color I've ever seen. I think they must have done a cutting and attached it and it was a different color. We have three of these going up the driveway, and this year they are really taking off. Probably because I finally read up on how to prune them correctly and they are showing off their gratitude! :-)
Have a great week, everyone! Stay cool, dry - wherever you are!
Your garden looks great! I saw all those potatoes you dug up! Holy cow!
Sad to say, none of the zinnias I started made it.
Stay cool!
Wow, love that crepe myrtle! Same thing is happening with our tomatoes. We also have white pumpkins growing for some unknown reason!
Wow, your whole garden looks beautiful. I really like the way you did your basil. I've never seen a crepe myrtle like that - it's great. When are lima beans ready to pick? This is the first year I've grown them - of course, mine aren't on a trellis like yours are so they're all over the place.
So beautiful! Lucky your neighbors :-), such a view everyday! And lucky you: all these fresh aromas..... Yum!
Your garden looks great! All of your veggies are doing well except for your tomato. I just hope that it will survive the heat. I love your Costoluto Genovese tomatoes they are really big and healthy in the photo. Your flowers are gorgeous!
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