Tag Two
A place that makes me happy - my grandparents place in Sweden, wintertime.
Phew - just looking at this picture cools me down!
YD at YD's A Little Bit of Everything tagged us for a cute little list of 6 things that make me happy. Thanks for the tag, YD!
Here we go:
1. Being with Sean makes me happy. No matter where we are or what we're doing. I luv you hun, can't wait to marry you in a few months! muah!
2. Training my dog Kane makes me happy! I love interacting with him, seeing him think, learn and having his attention is an awe-inspiring feeling.
3. Growing my own vegetables. This is our second garden year and I am delighted with everything that grows well, and confounded with everything that doesn't. It's such a joy to see something you started and nurtured as a seed all of a sudden be a healthy, vigourous living green thing!That gives back to you! Even better!
4. Being at "Torpet" - my grandparents place in Sweden. Tall, dark pine woods with blueberry bushes for carpet, quiet forests, big granite rocks, plum trees, currants and strawberry patch, the lilac hedge, "fika" and my grandmothers cooking. I get a content kind of feeling just looking at pictures from there.
5. Spending time with friends.
6. Living in the here and now. Being thankful for all the gifts life has given me, starting every day with a smile.
I'm going to tag my friend Lisa at Molto di Moda Designs with this one - she has such a wonderful way of writing about the things she enjoys, I'm sure she will come up with something good! :-)
Oh my goodness, Lena! Thanks for tagging me and giving me a "plug"--you're so sweet!
Forgot to tell you, Lena--Your grandparent's place in Sweden is GORGEOUS!!
I would love to be at your grandparent's place in Sweden. It looks and sounds so nice.
Thank you for doing the tag. Reading about you all(especially Kane) makes me(and the girls) happy. :)
You always have good pictures on your blog. Sean, you and Kane..not to mention that beautiful picture of the house in Sweden. Wouldn't that make a great painting. Do you have a painter friend that would do that for a wedding present?
Kane is so handsome!!
Yes it those simple things that can make us happiest! Great post, Kim
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